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ArtReach's 2018 Granting Round Opens Today!


ArtReach is distributing $300,000 in grants to youth arts projects in Toronto! This funding is available thanks to ArtReach's partnership with the Toronto Arts Council. Learn more here!

We are currently accepting applications from young people running projects in Toronto that: 

  • Increase access to quality arts opportunities that encourage creative expression and involve meaningful engagement of youth (ages 13 – 29) in Toronto

  • Promote social inclusion and provide opportunities for youth to develop leadership skills, capacity and opportunities within their communities and the initiatives they lead

  • Provide opportunities for youth to benefit from both the intrinsic (e.g. enjoyment, creative expression) and instrumental value (e.g. community engagement, skills development, social change) of the arts

  • Involve youth in project development, implementation and evaluation

  • Involve artist(s) with relevant experience and reach into participating communities

To ensure that you are eligible to apply and to confirm the correct funding stream for your project, please click here to review our program guidelines.

Further information and application instructions can be found on our website .


Click here to access resources, videos, and toolkits to help you develop your grant writing skills and put together a strong application.

If you're planning on applying for the upcoming deadline, and think you could use some extra support, we're host a Grant Writing 101 Workshop (exclusively focused on the ArtReach grant application) on December 5th, 2017 (RSVP here) and a second workshop in January 2018. More information on this workshop to come.

Have questions or concerns? First time applying for a grant? Accessibility needs? Want to set up time to talk with a grants manager? Email!

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